Mukouda Tsuyoshi, an ordinary salaryman, is suddenly transported to another world one day. The unique skill he gains upon arrival in this world is the seemingly useless "Online Grocery." Mukouda is discouraged at first, but the modern foods he's able to bring to his new world using this skill prove to have some unbelievable effects!
first of all thank you bring back animixplay back to us 🙏
and old animixplay has different folder for sub-dub anime so if you can so do it pretty tuf which im on if it's all together like this so add thi features plz
Level 1mr_lizard
Level 1lananwldmso
Level 1Animixplay
Level 1Dangar
Level 1and old animixplay has different folder for sub-dub anime so if you can so do it pretty tuf which im on if it's all together like this so add thi features plz
Level 1Spikey
Level 11134666
Level 1Itsuki
Level 1Animixplay
Level 1Braunking
Level 1Animixplay
Level 1Rohanadhikari2003
Level 1Animixplay
Level 1