Denji is a teenage boy living with a Chainsaw Devil named Pochita. Due to the debt his father left behind, he has been living a rock-bottom life while repaying his debt by harvesting devil corpses with Pochita.
One day, Denji is betrayed and killed. As his consciousness fades, he makes a contract with Pochita and gets revived as "Chainsaw Man" — a man with a devil's heart.
Holy shit, anything I say will undermine how good this episode was, good god the animation, the visuals, the whole ass atmosphere was on a different level
@Miosia, They really put everything into this ep. I love the camera shots from above their heads. I don't think I've ever seen shots like that before. And the POV was horny as well.
Even more best boys and girls are here! Sharky boy is a personal favorite
Angel devil is a funny concept to me- it makes sense there would be a lot of people very very afraid of seeing angels
But an Angel devil is just hilarious
Level 1Dark SnipeR
Level 1Josh25
Level 1Josh_Knight
Level 1Onii_ChanZ
Level 1Dark SnipeR
Level 1Onii_ChanZ
Level 1⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇⢀⣫⣿⣦⣄⢛⡻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿
Level 1CHAINSAWwoman
Level 1Alexia
Level 1Angel devil is a funny concept to me- it makes sense there would be a lot of people very very afraid of seeing angels
But an Angel devil is just hilarious
Level 1Fans: yeah... let's go with that.
Level 1NANI_99440
Level 1TheGamer9i5
Level 1Itsback
Level 1