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Kimetsu Gakuen Monogatari: Kimetsu no Utage Tokubetsu-hen
Kimetsu Gakuen Monogatari: Demon's Banquet Special Arc, キメツ学園物語 鬼滅の宴 特別編, Chuukou Ikkan!! Kimetsu Gakuen Monogatari: Kimetsu no Utage Tokubetsu-hen, Kimetsu Academy: Special Edition
Episodes: 12 TV
Status: Completed
Aired: 2024-06-12 10:17:15 to
Popularity: 328
Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Season: 2020
Source: Manga
Kimetsu Gakuen Monogatari: Kimetsu no Utage Tokubetsu-hen
Genres : Comedy Historical School Shounen
Average Rating : 9.5 from 1 users.
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These specials were originally shown at the Kimetsu no Utage live event which was held on October 20th 2019 in Tokyo. The cast members present at the event did a live dubbing of the characters.

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