Macross 7: The Galaxy is Calling Me Macross 7: Ginga ga Ore wo Yonde Iru
Episodes: 12 TV
Status: Completed
Aired: 2023-07-06 06:13:31 to 2023-04-01 02:08:53
Popularity: 17
Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Season: FALL 1995
Source: Manga
While investigating a sound anomaly across the galaxy, Basara crash-lands on a snowy planet and receives an unfriendly welcome from the local residents. On the planet, he befriends Pedro, a four-year-old boy who watches the Galaxy Network and idolizes Fire Bomber. Basara also discovers that the sound he's searching for is generated by Emilia, a lone Meltrandi struggling to make music of her own.