As master assassin Usui Yuen investigates a series of attacks made on the grand samurai clan, the Satsuma, he encounters survivor and clan member Kurima Raizo. Together, they unravel a conspiracy behind the murders, the true nature of which appears far grander than anyone first thought. As they get closer to the truth, will they come out alive to exact revenge?
Handsome man with a sword✔
Swordsman Drip✔
Blood & Gore✔
Battle IQ✔
Kills relatives✔
Gets Betrayed✔
Ruthless Loli✔
18:35 Enemy gets Emoted💀✔
Crush dies because of him✔
I'm sold that's more than enough
That arrow is too effective for the Job... It needs a nerf & Raizo's painting skills... MAPPA should hire him fr
He really had no mercy for the Milf, she just finish getting her backshots, Should've fixed her back again before putting her to sleep
Lol the buffest of the five is the doctor and archer, and his archery is hilarious, like using all the muscle in his body to make a shot and he uses it so much that his clothes can't contain his muscles.
Kurima's battle cry caught me off guard, I was not expecting that but he really is powerful.
Level 1Swordsman Drip✔
Blood & Gore✔
Battle IQ✔
Kills relatives✔
Gets Betrayed✔
Ruthless Loli✔
18:35 Enemy gets Emoted💀✔
Crush dies because of him✔
I'm sold that's more than enough
Level 1ElonMusk
Level 1He really had no mercy for the Milf, she just finish getting her backshots, Should've fixed her back again before putting her to sleep
Level 1Kurima's battle cry caught me off guard, I was not expecting that but he really is powerful.
Level 1