Ten years ago, an unknown passageway known as "the Gate" appeared, bridging the gap between the real world and a realm of magic and monsters. Regular folks were granted with extraordinary powers and designated as "Hunters" to fight these malevolent creatures. Sung Jin-Woo, a 20-year-old Hunter dubbed the "World's Weakest" for his meager abilities, is among them. To pay for his mother's medical bills, he tirelessly hunts down monsters in Gates with lower levels.
Jin-Woo's despondent life takes a dramatic turn after a catastrophic quest when he wakes up in a hospital believing he's the sole survivor. A cryptic dashboard presenting a "Quest Log" obligates him to endure a grueling training regimen, or face severe consequences. Jin-Woo is initially skeptical of its feasibility, but as he grasps the potential to become one of the world's most powerful Hunters, he embraces the opportunity.
Level 1SNIPEZ10
Level 1SNIPEZ10
Level 1ayo_br0
Level 1Kartik1234
Level 1Roronoa_Zor0
Level 1telegram: https://t.me/Solo_Leveling_Series
Level 1Seren
Level 1jameskiapin031734945152
Level 1orledas
Level 1V1S_otaku
Level 1