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Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
Episodes: 12 TV
Status: Releasing
Aired: 2023-01-06 10:58:49 to 2023-03-24 18:16:09
Popularity: 11138
Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Season: WINTER 2023
Source: Manga
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
Genres : Adventure Fantasy Romance Shoujo
Average Rating : 8.0 from 8 users.
Latest episodes:
In a world where fairies are bought and sold to the highest bidder, humans aren’t exactly on friendly terms with the fae folk. But friendship is exactly what Anne Halford seeks with Challe, her new fairy bodyguard, though he’s not so keen on the idea. As his new master, Anne tasks him with escorting her through a particularly dangerous area, but with a reluctant bodyguard eager to escape a life of servitude, she’ll have to deal with a lot more than she bargained for...

(Source: Crunchyroll)

Animixplay Comments (6)

  • Hellaso
    kinda underrated rn, i dont hear many people talk about this one but i like it
    2 years ago
  • Lina
    The story is good but omgg the main character makes me so mad
    1 year ago
  • haisam
    2 years ago
  • Harukuto
    If next episode they`ll pull a "Im sorry, i`ve realized what i`ve done is wrong please give me another chance. We`re childhood friends right" Nonsense. I swear i`ll drop this shit so fast. those two either needs to be publicly shamed, scrutinized, jailed or get fuc*ing beaten up by Challe.
    fuc*ing loser simp and fairy bitch
    2 years ago
  • Harukuto
    Woman writing male characters: He was 6"6' with Dark hair, a chiseled body, a 20 foot wingspan, a beast in all senses and he growled every other word. And he never pooped. He only cared about her and killed everybody else.
    2 years ago
  • Tom23
    This second episode is.... interesting. It's got me on the fence, that's for sure. I think the rough concept of oppression and enslavement is shown off decently well again, but it's beneath a lot of unnecessary comedy I feel. Mythril was a good choice for comedy, and Anne's straight man act works solidly with him, but it felt like Anne got into it too much with the other characters, like she was trying to force comedic moments to appear in the episode. Beneath the forced humor, and even some of her forced interactions with Jonas though, there's some solid sentiment to that taboo subject. Anne tries to be nice, and wants to avoid having to order or hurt Challe via his wing, but doesn't exactly shy away from making mention of the latter aspects to use when necessary. Alongside that we get to see another Master-Fairy relationship with Jonas and his fairy, which was interesting. A different type of fairy of course, but the relationship is much more formal and transactional. The one thing I would change with Jonas' fairy though is that she seems to have some sort of feelings for him. It's not really a bad thing, especially given the fairy's overall treatment by Jonas, but it sort of strips Jonas of that negative light a little bit. I mean, just before his fairy blushes and disappears, she flinches at his words, which was a solid subtlety to portray the interior and implicit relationship that Jonas and the fairy have.
    Overall, there's definitely a lot that irks me with it. JC Staff is doing a *better* job than Requiem of The Rose King, but the overall quality and effort put into this shoujo title is pretty weak. It's the second episode in and they're already re-using scenes and environments, not even attempting to hide it. More than that though there's the looming concern of breezing past material in the manga to condense the story greatly. Speaking of which, in terms of purely story, we seem to get a little lost this episode in the journey. Compared to the weight of the first episode, it feels like it's afraid to get into detail about fairies and their enslavement, and so it brought in characters like Mythril to lighten the mood and forced Anne to reach for some type of humor to break up the heavier pieces. Personally, I find it disappointing, as the draw to a lot of series like these is the melodrama and serious nature. Too much comedy ends up bogging the whole thing down and wasting some of the key moments. Still, we're only 2 episodes in so I guess we'll see where it might end up.
    2 years ago